Prepare list fast
Don't type - scan!
Don't type - scan or pick from thousands of common household items provided. Arrange products like your pantry, refrigerator or laundry room.

Shop faster
Outsmart the maze
The app's artificial intelligence dynamically builds the shopping sequence aisle by aisle as you shop. Product pictures will tell you exactly what to buy to avoid a second trip to the supermarket.

Shop together
Divide and conquer
Divide and conquer! Attack a supermarket from both ends and finish shopping twice as fast.

Reuse your lists
For next shopping trip
Stop wasting time on re-writing lists. Several options are available for different shopping styles.

Other Features
- Images: picture worth 100 of words!
- Multiple lists.
- Multiple stores with aisles.
- Price compassion per item per store.
- Many ordering and sorting options for pantry.
- Notes for coupons etc.
- Sharing through email, text, messengers etc.